THE REAL Freeway Ricky Ross Talks Suit Against Officer Ricky

Publicado  June 14, 2010

The real Ricky Ross speaks with In the 1980s the biggest hustler in Los Angeles and perhaps the entire country was Freeway Ricky Ross. He was one of the early pioneers in the trafficking of cocaine and then later crack cocaine. By the 1990s it was revealed that his drug connection, Danilo Blandon a Nicaraguan contra sympathizer, was working with the DEA and that the CIA was backing the the same Nicaraguan guerillas that the CIA was supporting in an effort to overthrow the Sandanista government. In 1998 the CIA had denied any connections to the drug runners from Nicaragua but these connections had been well documented by Williams Webb, Senator John Kerry and AP reported Robert Parry and Brian Barge.

Source: ThisIs50

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