Dutch Porn Star Promises Oral 'Satisfaction' To All Her Twitter Followers If Netherlands Win World Cup

Publicado  July 9, 2010

First it was Argentina coach Diego Maradona, who promised to run naked through the streets of Buenos Aires if Argentina won.
Next, it was Larissa Riquelme, the Paraguayan bombshell, who promised to run nude through the streets if Paraguay won. This was unsurprisingly a much more popular offer than Maradona's. And because she's such a good sport, Riquelme says her offer still stands, even though Paraguay is out.

But now, a Dutch fan has offered incentive that blows all others out of the water (pun seriously not intended). Bobbi Eden, one of the Netherlands' leading pornstars, has promised oral sex to all of her Twitter followers if the Netherlands wins—and she has a lot of followers!

Apparently when she made the offer she had about 5000 followers and that number has, to absolutely nobody's surprise, exploded to more than 30, 000 (likely to have gone up even more since this was written).

Now not only has Eden drastically increased her Twitter following, she's also ensured that the Netherlands will have thousands more rooting for them in the finals.

Source: ThisIs50

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