Guy Gets Charlie Sheen Tiger Tattoo On His Leg

Publicado  March 11, 2011

Charlie Sheen fever is sweeping the country. Every talk show and tv station is chattering about the former star of CBS's Two and a Half Men. People at water coolers, bar's and yes even tattoo parlors are talking about Sheen's Adonis DNA.

Some people now want Charlie Sheen tiger's on their leg's

One place you can get a Charlie Sheen tat is South Shore Tattoo in Amityville, New York, where one customer guy decided he needed some tiger's blood.

Tattoo artist Mike Nomy was happy to oblige. He even did it for free since the unidentified recipient is a long time customer. And completely sober according to Mike.

Source: ThisIs50

1 comentarii:

celebrity tattoos said...

Lol. Very nice tattoo!:)

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