The First Picture of Ed Harris Remarkably Transformed Into John McCain For HBO's 'Game Change'

Publicado  May 18, 2011

(From left: Ed Harris in normal life, Ed Harris as John McCain, Senator John McCain. Photo via EW.)

In next year's Emmy race for Outstanding Makeup for a Mini-Series, Movie, or Special, HBO's "Game Change" is looking to be the frontrunner. Just look at how they've transformed Ed Harris into his character, John McCain.

Last month, when HBO released the first astonishing picture of Julianne Moore as Sarah Palin, it became clear that the network wasn't phoning it in for its movie "Game Change," based on the bestselling book by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin about McCain's failed 2008 presidential run, including his dramatic choice of Alaska's then-Governor Sarah Palin as his unlikely running mate. The plan seems to be hire the best actors and rely on top-notch makeup to turn them into their characters visually, rather than the network movie-of-the-week style of getting no-name lookalikes. (A plan that seems appropriately HBO of them.)
(Julianne Moore as Sarah Palin)

Aside from Harris and Moore as McCain and Palin, the film also stars Woody Harrelson as McCain's campaign manager Steve Schmidt. Presumably, HBO will release a picture of Harrelson-as-Schmidt next.

Source: Yahoo

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