Don't Steal Computers From Geeks

Publicado  March 21, 2011

BetaBeat reports:

Two months ago, a thief stole a Macbook Air from Mark Bao, the 18-year old serial entrepreneur (he’s CEO of at least six companies), creator of the viral site, and weekend New Yorker. On Friday, he discovered he could remotely access the browser history on the machine. Lulz ensue! ”Wow. The first thing that MacBook thieves do REALLY IS take pictures on Photo Booth. I didn’t think they were that dumb!” he tweeted. Turns out the thief did more than take pictures–he took a video of himself dancing to Travis Porter's "Make It Rain", which he posted on YouTube

Mr. Bao also attained access to the thief’s Facebook page; he lives a few blocks from Mr. Bao’s dorm at Bentley University in Waltham, Mass. Mr. Bao plans to report the thief to the campus police when he gets back from spring break–but not before some more public humiliation. “I’m too busy to stage any serious lulz, but don’t worry… lulz will certainly happen,” he tweeted.

Mr. Bao was able to get access to his Safari history using the cloud backup service Backblaze.

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